Welcome Prof. Youmin Zhang from Concordia University to be the General Chair and Keynote Speaker!
Welcome Prof. Youmin Zhang from Concordia University to be the General Chair and Keynote Speaker!


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Prof. Youmin Zhang, Concordia University Canada (IEEE Fellow)

张友民教授, 康考迪亚大学

Youmin Zhang (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in automatic control from the Department of Automatic Control, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China, in 1983, 1986, and 1995, respectively. He is currently a Professor with the Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He has authored or coauthored 10 books, more than 600 journal and conference papers. His research interests include the areas of monitoring, diagnosis and physical fault/cyber-attack tolerant/resilient control, autonomous guidance, navigation and control of unmanned systems and smart grids, with applications to forest fires and smart cities in the framework of cyber-physical systems by combining with remote sensing techniques. Prof. Zhang is also a Fellow of CSME, a Senior Member of AIAA, the President of International Society of Intelligent Unmanned Systems (ISIUS) during 2019–2022, and a technical committee member of several scientific societies. He has been an Editor-in-Chief (EIC), Editorial Advisory Board Member of several journals, including as a Member of Board of Governors for Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems–II: Express Briefs, IET Cyber-systems and Robotics, Unmanned Systems, Drone Systems and Applications, Security and Safety, and the Deputy EIC of Guidance, Navigation and Control etc. He has served as (Honorary) General Chair, Program Chair of several unmanned systems, renewable energies, smart cities relevant international conferences.
张友民博士是加拿大康考迪亚大学机械、工业与航空工程系及康考迪亚航空设计与创新研究所终身正教授。是加拿大机械工程师学会(CSME)会士(Fellow),AIAA和IEEE高级会员。张友民教授长期从事控制理论与工程应用方面的研究与开发工作,专长于故障检测与诊断、容错控制、感知与避障、飞行器导航、制导与控制、多智能体/多运动体(空中、地面、水面、及风场)容错协同控制及其与遥感测量技术相结合进行森林防火与森林资源管理、电力巡线与监测、环境监测、以及搜救与救援等领域的研究与应用开发。张友民教授是国际上故障诊断与容错控制及无人机领域的知名学者。自1992年共发表500余篇杂志和会议论文及4本书籍。所发表的论文中有298篇论文共计被SCI引用5,652次,影响因子为38 (2019-09-23数据); 在Google Scholar被引用14,183次,影响因子为56 (h-index)和219 (i10-index)。张友民教授曾任国际杂志“仪表、自动化与系统”的创刊主编(Editor-in-Chief)并目前担任荣誉主编、国际杂志“智能机器人系统”资深编辑(Editor-at-Large),IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks & Learning Systems及最新出版发行的三个与无人系统相关的国际杂志、包括“无人系统”、“国际智能无人系统杂志”、“无人系统技术”等多个国际杂志的编辑和编委。